On May 29, 2019, our new trustee, Donna Budil was sworn in as a trustee.  She is married and has two teenage children.  Utilizing her Masters degree in education, Donna is the preschool director of Gloryland Preschool in Grayslake and has been at that role for almost 10 years. She is the new acting secretary

Cheif Friedl Commemorative Presentation

Warren Waukegan Fire Protection District board members present retiring Chief Fred Friedl With a plaque commemorating his service to the District on July 19, 2017 at Gurnee Fire Station #2. Pictured left to right: Chief Fred Friedl, Board Secretary Brian Wattleworth, President Phil DeRuntz and Treasurer Marty Klauber Save

Chief Friedl Recognition Ceremony

Chief Friedl Recognition Ceremony: Wednesday, 7/19/17 at 6:00 pm Station 2 – 6581 Dada Drive, Gurnee ————————————————- Fred Friedl became a part of the Gurnee Fire Department in 1996 and for twenty-one years served the Village of Gurnee and the Warren Waukegan Fire Protection District in accordance with its vision and principles.  He has continually

Ribbon-Cutting for New Ladder Fire Engine

Warren-Waukegan FPD President Phillip DeRuntz and Gurnee Mayor Kristina Kovarik officiate at the February 27th Ribbon-cutting Ceremony for the Gurnee Fire Department’s new 2017 Ladder Fire Engine. This was another example of a very collaborative relationship between Lake County government agencies in support of their wonderful communities.

Fire District Teams with Foundation to Purchase Opioid-antidote Kits

At a meeting of the Lake County Opioid Initiative last week, participants learned donations were going to make up a shortfall in kits to revive people who have overdosed on opioids. (Nicasa) The supply of Narcan kits police carry to help revive people who have overdosed on an opioid was dangerously low, according to the

Beware of Turkey Fryers this Thanksgiving

This Thanksgiving, you may want to think twice about using a turkey fryer to cook your holiday bird. The National Fire Protection Assocation discourages the use of outdoor gas-fueled turkey fryers that immerse the turkey in hot oil. These turkey fryers use a substantial quantity of cooking oil at high temperatures, and units currently available

Post-Fire Meeting for Woodland Hills Citizens

A post-fire meeting has been scheduled for the citizens of Woodland Hills following the fire that occurred on 10/27/13 in a six-unit townhouse at 17434 W. Walnut. The meeting will take place at the Warren Township Center Town Hall Building on Tuesday, November 5th at 7:00 pm. For more details on the fire and local response,

WWFPD Recognized at Sprinkler Symposium

On March 6, 2013 at the Illinois NFPA 13D Residential Fire Sprinkler Symposium in Addison, the Warren-Waukegan Fire Protection District was among the Illinois communities honored for making themselves fire-safe communities for residents and firefighters alike by passing fire sprinkler ordinances for new construction homes in 2012. We are representative of 88 total jurisdictions in

WWFPD Helps Improve Safety & Protection Standards

To provide an improved minimum standard for the safety and protection of Warren-Waukegan (Gurnee) citizens and firefighters; Fire Chief Fred Friedl, Fire Marshal Tom Keefe and the Warren-Waukegan Fire Protection District Board of Trustees worked closely with each other to amend and update building and fire codes to the 2012 editions of the International Building,

Warren-Waukegan Fire District Donates New Engine & Ambulance

The Warren-Waukegan Fire Protection District donated a new fire engine and ambulance Thursday to the Gurnee Fire Department. “During my tenure on the Fire Protection District board, we have been focused on the critical task of continually improving public safety while ensuring fiscal stability,” said WWFPD President, Phil DeRuntz. Read the full Lake County News-Sun